As soon as Christmas day is over, many people begin to take down the tree, the decorations and every sign of the holidays.
They box it away and store it away until the next Christmas season comes along. I know there are a few who can’t get enough of it and start decorating early and taking down late but this is not the norm.
Most of us want to move on to what's coming next on the calendar of celebrations. I hope you understand that I am referring to the secular side of Christmas.
This brings me to the point I want to make: I am afraid that many even treat the spiritual side of Christmas the same way.
They start thinking about this baby Jesus that came to earth more than 2000 years ago at a stable in a manger. They may even put up a manger scene or other reminders of Christ’s birth.
They may go to church or other religious celebrations during the Christmas season, but as soon as the season is over it is as if they box it all up until the next season comes around. They seem to miss the whole point of Christ’s coming.
Jesus Christ came to earth for several reasons. He came to be an example of how to live a godly life.
He came to preach to mankind how to be saved and to teach us how to live after our choice to follow Him. He came to bring healing for those with broken bodies and broken lives.
But more importantly, he came to actually make a way for us to be able to be in a relationship with God the Father by dying on a cross for our sins.
This is not a special “holiday only” relationship but a 365-day-a-year relationship. It isn’t something we take off and put back on kind of relationship but a continual growing relationship.
The good news is that we can all enter into that relationship. All we have to do is to put our trust in Christ and what He has done for us, then we will want to celebrate His birth and all He has done for us each and every day.
Christmas is over, now what?

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