Everything changes when you set your focus on God. You filter every situation through the knowledge you have of Him.
Is there anything too hard for God? No.
Can He use every circumstance for your good and His glory? Yes, because nothing is impossible for God.
Every challenge you encounter is just another opportunity to see His mighty work in your life, building your confidence in Him.
Yet there are times when you lose your focus. It’s easy to do, especially when trouble arises that you didn’t expect.
We never want trouble, but sometimes we are more prepared for it than other times.
It could be something as simple as misplacing your wallet or as complex as losing your home to foreclosure.
Sometimes we wonder, “Where are you God?” God is still there. He hasn’t moved, but your focus has. Remember He said He never would leave you, nor forsake you (Hebrews 13:5).
You must turn your attention back to Him.
When Peter saw Jesus walking on the water (Matthew 14:28-31) and asked permission to join Him, Jesus simply responded by saying, “come.”
Peter stepped out on the water and was doing well until he took his focus off Jesus and put it on a big wave near him. Only then did he begin to sink.
Did he not realize that when Jesus invited him to come that He had everything taken care of? Even the waves? That He had power over the waves and the sea?
That is what we must remember as well — that God is in control. We, as His children, need to trust Him and stay focused on what’s important — His word, which leads us to His will. Let us continue to stay focused.
Edwards is the pastor of the Agape Christian Fellowship Church and a member of the United Ministerial Alliance.
Don't lose your focus on God
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