During the birth of Jesus Christ, an angel appeared to the shepherds and said, "Glory to God in the highest." This meant that God the Father would get glory, honor and praise through the birth of his Son.
Actually, we are told in scripture that pretty well everything God does is for the purpose of him getting glory.
To you sports fans, especially when it involves the NFL, I have something to say about this subject. On the field, we have experienced what many sports commentators say is unprecedented — an athlete who most would count out, seeing miraculous things happen around him. And yes, we are talking about Denver Broncos quarterback Tim Tebow.
Tebow is a very outspoken Christian. He doesn't just talk the talk, he actually walks the walk.
I will be the first to admit I don’t believe God favors certain sports teams. I also don’t believe he answers someone's prayer for a win just because that person asks him for it or is a dedicated Christian.
I do believe, however, that God will allow things to happen if it will bring him glory — not because he cares so much about the franchise or acts to make a particular person look good, but strictly based on how it will make him look.
Here are a couple of examples in the Bible where God acts for the sole purpose of him getting glory.
In Psalm 106:8, it says that "he (God) saved them for his name's sake to make his power known.
Then in Isaiah 48:11, it states, "For my own sake, for my own sake, I do this. How can I let myself be defamed? I will not yield my glory to another."
For the first time in my life, I actually have been praying for Denver to win — not because I like the Broncos, but solely because of Tebow and what he represents.
I told someone yesterday that it would take a miracle from God for Denver to make it to the Super Bowl. To be honest, the Broncos might not win another game.
All I am saying is that if God has any input, it would be for only one reason — that he would receive glory from it.
God acts to bring Himself glory

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