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Happy Resurrection Day
Pastor's corner
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Today we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord. Easter is a very wonderful time of rejoicing for Christians because the death, burial and resurrection of Christ Jesus are fundamental beliefs. The very fact the Christ died as a ransom for our sins gives us reason to reflect and rejoice during this season. However, when we remember that God raised Him from the dead so that we could be saved, we should explode with joy and be exceedingly glad.
The Resurrection of Christ gave us eternal life. Romans 10:9 (NIV) says: that if you confess with your mouth, Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. When Christ Jesus died on the cross, He settled the debt for our sins. He paid a debt He did not owe because we owed a debt we could not pay. When He rose from the dead, He gave us back the right to the tree of life. God made man to live forever, sin entered through Adam in the Garden of Eden and death came on the scene. Nevertheless, power over death, Hell and the grave was released at His resurrection — Hallelujah!
As we celebrate Easter, people of Jewish faith are celebrating Passover. They are commemorating their deliverance from Egyptian captivity. By the mighty hand of God they came out of 430 years of slavery. Moses told them to be ready to leave in a hurry because God would punish the Egyptians by sending a Death Angel to destroy the firstborn of everything in the nation (including the firstborn children). They had to offer an animal sacrifice and place the blood of that sacrifice on the door posts of their homes.
When the Angel of Destruction saw the blood, he would pass over their homes and all of their firstborn lived. This is a snapshot of why we celebrate the death of Christ. He was crucified during the Passover season to signify His sacrifice for us.
When we confess Christ as Lord, we are publicly stating that we believe that He died on the cross and that God raised Him from the dead as our Passover Lamb, and because of His blood we have been delivered from eternal death and destruction. Go to church today and celebrate what Christ has done for us.

Deason is the pastor of Liberty Prayer Chapel and director of the Liberty County Manna House.
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