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Let us not forget veterans, God
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This season is my favorite time of the year. I believe it’s because the whole nation takes part in the holiday seasons, including Thanksgiving and Christmas.
As I take time to give thanks for so many things, I can’t help but reflect on our nation and our veterans, who have fought so hard to preserve the freedom that we enjoy today.
Last week we celebrated Veterans Day, which is a good thing to do in remembering our veterans, but let us not forget them after the celebration is over.
It is heartbreaking to see forgotten veterans striving to make it in a country they once protected or still are protecting. The older ones have stories to tell and encourage the younger ones.
It is strengthening to see more organizations and our city reaching out to them. I have friends and family who are veterans. Some are alive to tell their stories. For others, their stories have been told for them.
While we are remembering, let us not forget our God and Father, who gave us his only begotten son to forgive us of our sins so that we can enjoy the freedom of being new creatures in Christ, everyday and forever. When we’ve eaten all our turkey, He is still there. Even after the Christmas trees have been thrown away, keep God in your heart.

Edwards is the pastor of the Agape Christian Fellowship Church and a member of the United Ministerial

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