Bishop Gregory J. Hartmayer bestowed the Bishop Gartland Service Award on 103 volunteers from throughout South Georgia at the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist in Savannah on Nov. 20.
Pablo Rodriquez and Patricia Sheehan, members of St. Stephen First Martyr Catholic Church in Hinesville, were among those who received the award.
The Bishop Francis X. Gartland Service Award recognizes long-standing service to the Catholic Church, and the recipients are nominated by their pastors. Gartland was the first bishop of the Diocese of Savanah, serving from 1850 to 1854 when he contracted yellow fever and died.
Fr. Adam Kasela, pastor of St. Stephen First Martyr, said:
"Mr. Pablo Rodriquez is retired military. Has been a member of St. Stephen’s since September 1990. He has been active over these many years, usher, lector, bringing people to Mass who otherwise might not be able to come on their own. However, maybe his most important thing is; he is a liaison between the Spanish and Anglo community. His knowledge has been more than helpful during these many years. He is always available to help."
And, of Patricia Sheehan Kasela said:
"Ms. Patricia Sheehan is a retired military nurse (23 years) and retired government service nurse (27 years). She has been an active and practicing member or St. Stephen’s since May of 2001. She has been a member of the church choir since coming to St. Stephen’s. Pat has participated in almost every function that we have ever had. We call her our champion baker, no matter what, she bakes! You name it, CCW, St. Vincent DePaul, chicken dinner, Boston butt sales, Pat has been there to help."