I believe spring is finally here; the temperature is rising and the birds are singing. This is my favorite time of the year mainly because there is this feeling of coming alive. Another reason I like it is because of Easter; where we celebrate a Savior coming alive after He was killed and buried for three days. The significance of this is that He now sits at God the Father’s side offering forgiveness and a new life for all who will put their lives in His hands. Jesus Christ died so that those who are depressed, lonely, hurting and without hope may find hope and a reason to exist.
If I can ever help you find your faith or help you on your journey of faith please don’t hesitate to call me at (912) 308-7635. If you don’t have a church home we want you to claim us.
If I can ever help you find your faith or help you on your journey of faith please don’t hesitate to call me at (912) 308-7635. If you don’t have a church home we want you to claim us.