A couple of weeks ago, most people in this area were a little anxious as to what was going to happen with Hurricane Irma.
Early on there were some predictions that we would be hit by this Category 3 or stronger storm, which could have meant we had the potential of losing everything not taken with us in evacuation. I remember going through my house and office deciding what things were necessary to take – those things that meant most to us.
Thank the Lord the storm turned and our impact was minimal.
The sad news is that there were people in the Caribbean and Florida who suffered tremendous loss of property and some loss of life. I have heard many reports that made statements like, "They lost everything." The truth is all about perspective – all about what you place value on. Many of these people whose property was devastated didn’t lose it all. If a person is a follower of Jesus Christ, they have it all.
The Apostle Paul in Philippians 3 says it this way: "Everything else is worthless when compared with the priceless gain of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord."
If we lose "stuff," most of the time it is replaceable and is only here for our enjoyment for as long as we live here on this earth. But if we lose our soul, we truly have lost everything and this is for eternity.
The great news is that anyone and everyone can have it all. We all are invited to become followers of Jesus Christ. Even though natural disasters can destroy all of our earthly possessions, there is nothing that can take away our eternal possession if we choose to live by faith.