Nov. 22 to Dec. 21: An unsettling mood at the start of the week soon lifts and gives way to a more positive attitude as you find fun and friendship beginning to dominate your aspect.
Dec. 22 to Jan. 19: A delay in firming up holiday plans could work to your advantage. Use this time to scout out possibilities that might be more in line with what those close to you would prefer.
Jan. 20 to Feb. 18: Some people might question some of the new friends you’ve welcomed into your life. But your ability to see beyond the obvious helps you recognize how special they are.
Feb. 19 to March 20: Your piscean imagination is stimulated by possibilities you see in a new opportunity. But keep those ideas to yourself until you feel ready to translate them into a workable format.
March 21 to April 19: Your arian penchant for impatience shows, as you consider passing a problem-prone project on to someone else. Best advice: Stay with it and work out those snarls yourself.
April 20 to May 20: Even patient Bovines can be frustrated when carefully made plans go awry. But crank up that “stick-to-it-ivity” you do so well, and you’ll soon find that your schedule is back in sync.
May 21 to June 20: Your aspect favors using more resourceful means in dealing with a workplace situation. Some discreet checking around could help shed light on the root cause of the problem.
June 21 to July 22: You show an unusually strong streak of stubbornness in rejecting suggestions from friends and/or family members early in the week. But you become more receptive by the week’s end.
July 23 to Aug. 22: The Big Cat might find a gentler approach more effective when dealing with those who resist needed changes. Remember, the word “persuasion” starts with the sound “purr.”
Aug. 23 to Sept. 22: A disappointing experience with someone you felt you could trust can be painful. But there just might be more to this situation than you’re aware of. Press for an explanation.
Sept. 23 to Oct. 22: Changing your views about something you believe in isn’t easy. But you might reconsider as the facts come in. Keep your mind open, even if you’re uneasy about what you might learn.
Oct. 23 to Nov. 21: You might have to do some serious shifting of gears to get your project back on track. But cheer up. Your hard work starts to produce some positive results by the week’s end.
Horoscopes for week of Nov. 27-Dec. 3
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