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Signs of infertility you should NEVER ignore
Infertility effects nearly 1 in 8 couples: are you one of them? Recognize the signs and symptoms today. - photo by Hannah Rose
There is nothing the world loves more than a baby announcement. People fawn over gender reveals and throw parties to celebrate the arrival of their little bundles of joy. There is a strong public display of encouragement for conception but little empathy and support for the millions of women struggling to discuss their baby-making challenges.

Infertility, the inability to get pregnant, has become a taboo topic in our society. Men and women hide their struggle from friends and families because they feel ashamed or discouraged, but according to the National Infertility Association nearly 1 in 8 couples will have trouble getting pregnant this year.

Both male and female partners can be infertile or show symptoms of infertility. Understanding and recognizing the symptoms of infertility can help couples recognize when it is time to examine other outlets to conceive and when it is time to see a doctor for medical assistance.

According to WebMD, the most obvious symptoms are:

Infertility symptoms in women

In women there are two specific health aspects that can affect fertility- changes in the menstrual cycle and hormonal problems.

Problematic signs to look for in your menstrual cycle include:

  • Unpredictable periods- are you bleeding lighter or heavier than normal?
  • Your period stops completely or never has occurred in your lifetime.
  • Extremely painful periods- your back, pelvis and lower abdominals ache from severe cramping.
  • Irregular periods- number of days between each cycle is constantly varying.
Hormonal symptoms to pay attention to:

  • A sudden change in sex drive and desire
  • Noticeable thinning or loss of hair throughout all areas of your body
  • Sudden or unexplainable weight gain
  • Sudden increase in acne all over your body
  • Skin changes- different texture, moisture or appearance
  • Dark hair begins to grow on your chin, chest and lips
Infertility symptoms in men:

  • Noticeable changes in hair growth on your entire body
  • A sudden change in sex drive and desire
  • A low sperm count
  • Undergone a previous scrotal or inguinal surgery
  • Received a cancer treatment prior to trying to conceive
  • Unexplainable erection and ejaculation problems
  • Small and firm testicles
  • Increased pain or swelling in the testicles
When is it time to see the doctor?

Physicians and doctors agree, if you are under 35 and have tried to get pregnant for over a year without success, the best thing to do is see your physician for help.

Doctors can run blood, urine and body image tests to pinpoint the problem for why you cant get pregnant. Also, doctors can run a sperm analysis that can check on a males sperm count and the overall sustainability and health of his sperm.

If your doctor cannot provide you with sound and beneficial results, they may refer you to an endocrinologist, who are people that treat individuals that suffer from hormonal imbalances, for more help and information.
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