The American Angels, LRC is a new local group of female motorcycle enthusiasts whose main goal is to support our troops and send care packages to deployed soldiers.
The group’s founder, Laura Williams-Garn, is an Army wife. She thought starting the American Angels would be a good way to bring female motorcycle riders together and support U.S. troops.
“I wanted to be able to give something back to our troops and bring female riders together at the same time,” she said. “There are some soldiers who don’t have a lot of support or family who can afford to send packages. We want to help out by doing our part. Some of us are military spouses, active duty, or just want to show support.
“We are not an MC. So many people mistake riding clubs for gangs. The American Angels is about camaraderie and supporting our troops,” Williams-Garn continued. “A lot more women are riding motorcycles now and what better way to pay tribute to our soldiers and make friends at the same time.”
American Angels member Liz Degen of Savannah said, “I think it’s a great way to meet other women who share a passion of riding and also want to make new friends along the way.”
The club has a new chapter starting in Southeast Georgia, and Williams-Garn said she’d love to see American Angels groups sprout up across the nation, uniting female riders and garnering more support for the troops.
The club is nonprofit and relies solely on sponsors to help with advertising and fundraisers. Anyone interested in joining or sponsoring the American Angels can go to for more information.
The group’s founder, Laura Williams-Garn, is an Army wife. She thought starting the American Angels would be a good way to bring female motorcycle riders together and support U.S. troops.
“I wanted to be able to give something back to our troops and bring female riders together at the same time,” she said. “There are some soldiers who don’t have a lot of support or family who can afford to send packages. We want to help out by doing our part. Some of us are military spouses, active duty, or just want to show support.
“We are not an MC. So many people mistake riding clubs for gangs. The American Angels is about camaraderie and supporting our troops,” Williams-Garn continued. “A lot more women are riding motorcycles now and what better way to pay tribute to our soldiers and make friends at the same time.”
American Angels member Liz Degen of Savannah said, “I think it’s a great way to meet other women who share a passion of riding and also want to make new friends along the way.”
The club has a new chapter starting in Southeast Georgia, and Williams-Garn said she’d love to see American Angels groups sprout up across the nation, uniting female riders and garnering more support for the troops.
The club is nonprofit and relies solely on sponsors to help with advertising and fundraisers. Anyone interested in joining or sponsoring the American Angels can go to for more information.