Members of Cub Pack 581 in Midway recently relived a part of history when they camped aboard the World War II aircraft carrier Yorktown in Charleston Harbor.
The Scouts became shipmates with other troops as they toured the Yorktown, World War II submarine Clamagor and the World War II destroyer Laffey.
Morning and evening meals were prepared and served to youngsters in the “Chief’s Mess” aboard the Yorktown for the full effect of having lived aboard a man-of-war.
The trip was part of the pack’s year that ended with an awards and recognition ceremony where Scouts received belt loops for their accomplishments. Cub Pack member Deante Anthony received his bear badge and will begin pursuing the rank of Webelos in the fall. While members Ahmad Golden, Noah Rice and Josiah Williams received tiger Cub badges and will begin pursuing the rank of Wolf in the fall.
Artis Morrison encouraged honesty and respect in the boys. John Lewis from the Cosmopolitan Club delivered closing remarks.
Also this year, the cubs participated in the Haunted Trails, Camp Freeze Out and Spring Fling campouts at Black Creek Boy Scout Camp in Sylvania. They also completed numerous den and family activities and several “Go See Its” in the community.
Cub Pack 581 is sponsored by the Cosmopolitan Club of Liberty County. Herman Baker is the scoutmaster.
Scout troop wraps up active year

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