Here are some of the issues area residents are discussing. The statements were phoned in anonymously, so the Courier does not vouch for their veracity, nor do we know what motivated the callers:
If anyone doubts there are junk cars I would recommend the councilman that encompasses Windhaven and Timber Ridge and the mayor take a ride along with the police chief through those neighborhoods.
Hey, letter to the editor, a rolling stop at a stop sign is not a stop. Most criminals found on the road today are not found because of criminal activity but because they failed to stop, crossed the line or have a taillight out.
To the crime suppression unit, you got the right one this time.
I have lived all over Georgia, from Atlanta to Savannah, and have never seen a more corrupt law enforcement agency than the Hinesville division of the Georgia State Patrol. They act as judge, jury and executioner. Beware of dirty justice.
I say to Gary Gilliard, the police were doing their job. We have great police in this city. You’re son was not targeted.
The mayor and city council should act like an expensive Rolex watch and let the police department know exactly what time it is.
Courteous, intelligent dog owners should take their dogs in between 10 at night and 6 the next morning so their neighbors can get an uninterrupted night’s sleep.
I’m from New York and what the police did to that young man is called racial profiling. And racial profiling is illegal in every state in the union, including Arkansas.