Here are some of the issues that area residents are discussing. The statements were phoned in anonymously, so the Courier does not vouch for their veracity, nor do we know what motivated the callers:
I would like to know why the recycling center has been closed in Walthourville. I used to take my child there and teach him the different ways to recycle. It’s a shame, Walthourville. Would you all please reopen it?
The problem is not the price of the gas. The problem is them coming up with a solution to make the gas last longer in your car. If you get two gallons, let that two gallons take you 50 to 70 to 80 miles.
No business — no matter how large you are or how big you are — should have management be able to write up lies about employees so they can open jobs up for their friends and family. This is wrong.
This is for the city inspector: Why can’t we get people to keep their yards clean and not junked up with cars and boats and all this other stuff? City inspectors just aren’t doing their jobs.
I didn’t know welfare was a career opportunity. If I had known that, I would have signed up years ago.
This is to the caller who called in about the Black Panther Party. I lived through the ’60s and the Black Panthers were nothing but modern-day terrorists.
We’re living in a time of revelation. It’s time to be real because God will pull the cover off of you as he has done all around the world. It’s time to be real and love one another.
This is regarding the comment about the controlled burning in Long County. Yes, it was a controlled burning. The fact is straight. I saw it on the news. So you get your story straight.
I am very upset that the recycling center was closed down in Walthourville. Please, Walthourville, get it back together and put the recycling center back up for use.
I’m thankful my parents immigrated to America. My life probably would have been a lot different. But if I was from Africa, I know that my ancestors probably would all be dead now. The atrocities and murders of Africans is horrible.
The haves and the have-nots, the gold and silver, all belongs to God. Instead of reliving what happened 20 years ago, God is not going to have it. He’s in control of the economics and he will leave us with sticks and stones. Just watch and see what happens.
Those people in front of Bryant’s house protesting against the amphitheater are fighting a losing we battle. We want it. We want it bad.
Sound off for April 22
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