Here are some of the issues that area residents are discussing. The statements were phoned in anonymously, so the Courier does not vouch for their veracity, nor do we know what motivated the callers:
Thank you for running my Sound off concerning the brown dog dropped off at Clyde’s Market in Midway. Unfortunately, the dog was pregnant, and she was run over. Her name was Goldie, and a lot of people fed her. To the person that dropped her off, shame on you. She was killed.
The Long County Press news reporter needs to report the news and not make comments in city council meetings. After all, she’s not a citizen of Long County or Ludowici.
If you read the Coastal Courier last Sunday, you’ll know why it’s very important to vote. I refer to the Hinesville City Council land purchase negotiations — that’s been fully decided by the city council before.
Please, city council, please save Timber Ridge from the slums’ further creation by preserving our single-family dwelling status that we purchased these properties in, and is advertised. Example, at the corner of Inwood and Madison Avenue, there’s a house there that has six separate individuals all in uniform coming and living in that house.
Regarding the planning retreat down in St. Simons, the reporter should have asked Bob Sprinkel: Why are we spending $16,000 to go to St. Simons when we’ve got beautiful accommodations here in this county. And why do we have three facilitators running the meeting for us. Are we not adults?
The citizens of Hinesville should really take a look at their neighborhoods. If they do, they’ll find in their neighborhoods a great deal of their housing, which was single-family housing, has turned into what is basically guest houses with transient soldiers moving in. Single soldiers moving off of Fort Stewart, and five or six of them living off-post.
I would like to see a total list of everyone who went to St. Simons to the planning retreat on the taxpayers’ dime, and I would like to know what the total cost was. I would like for the Coastal Courier to print this.