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I was at city hall earlier, and I noticed a Porsche parked in the handicapped space with no decals. I saw an officer standing outside, so I reported it to him. He said, “Oh, that’s the mayor’s, there’s nothing we can do. He does it all the time.” Is he above the law?
I think the FBI didn’t go far enough in interviewing in 2011 the suspect that just did the bombing there in Boston. They can’t even find a zipper I don’t think in the dark, much less by now a crime. We need to get some new people in the FBI, CIA to take over and do the job that needs to be done of finding criminals.
What happened to the Golden Corral that was going to be in Hinesville? Is it not going to come here now because people can’t afford to take their family out and pay their prices? Is it not going to be there now?
Once we all get used to receiving our bills paperless on the Internet, and we’re totally dependent upon that, then we are at the Internet-service provider’s mercy once they start cranking prices up. You know, sometimes paperless is good. Sometimes, it’s not. What if you lose your job or retire and can’t afford the internet? The library is not a safe place to put your credit card information.