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Coastal Courier, where is the news about George Beverly Shea passing away this week at age 104? Everybody knows the gospel singer that was with the Rev. Billy Graham all those years. Why not put it in the Sunday paper under the religion page?
Why does the tax office want people to pay their mobile taxes and don’t send a bill out to let you know what it is? Older people do not know how to get on the internet and figure out what it is. Why do they do that? They need to send us a bill for our taxes.
Why is it that some teachers at Button Gwinnett still don’t have their grades in on Parent Portal yet? Midterms are going to be on Friday, and there still aren’t grades, and the specials don’t have their grades either. So what am I supposed to see when grades come out on Friday? Nothing?
The Thunderbolt City Council understands clearly the three-vote, no-excuse majority rule. Perhaps they should come and explain that ruling and how it’s permeated with the city of Hinesville.