Here are some of the issues that area residents are discussing. The statements were phoned in anonymously, so the Courier does not vouch for their veracity, nor do we know what motivated the callers:
Unofficially speaking, that Sgt. Bales who allegedly killed all those people in Afghanistan: How many combat tours has he been on? Did he have a brain injury? Should the Army have sent him over there? We don’t know what he’s been through; we should not judge that man.
I was telling a friend of mine that the story behind the dogwood tree is that Jesus’ cross was made from a dogwood tree, and she said she heard that the Jesus’ crown was made from a rose bush. Does anybody know the story behind that? I called my church and they didn’t know.
Here’s an idea: Don’t go to the retreat; use the money saved to pay for the buses that nobody is riding.
Well, my smart meter just showed that I spent over 100 watts more than I did this time last year. This is not true, because we don’t even have the air on this year. This is wrong; I understand now we can have it removed, and we don’t have to be charged for it. It just got passed by legislation.
Mayor Thomas says he’s disappointed that the bumper sticker issue in Long County shines a negative light on race in Hinesville, so I guess Mayor Thomas still thinks that Hinesville has no racial issues.
Sound off for April 6
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