Here are some of the issues that area residents are discussing. The statements were phoned in anonymously, so the Courier does not vouch for their veracity, nor do we know what motivated the callers:
I cannot believe that fire got started on controlled burning. It was dry and windy and the state had someone burn the woods off? I can’t believe that. They need to stop that controlled burning in the county and at Fort Stewart.
All you young women who think that physical fighting makes you look big and bad and look tough, all that does is make you look like a child. Any woman over the age of 18 who wants to get into a physical fight with someone else, you’re not a woman, you’re not a lady and you have no couth.
I’ve only lived here a few months, and the fire was very scary that happened in our town and the county. I want to say thank you to all the professionals and also the volunteers that helped keep everything under control and to lend a hand that was above and beyond expectations.
Will someone help me? I need someone to donate a washing machine to me. I had a heart attack last year and I have no money. Me and my wife fell on hard times. My number is 912-432-3944. My name is Jimmy.
My child just told me that he got suspended for running in the hallway at the high school. Come on, BoE. Is it that serious?
I noticed that the new county and city buildings downtown are built with the energy-efficient cellular panels but tinted windows. If I tint my windows, I get a ticket, and I don’t get a state grant to pay my fine.
The Republicans want to cut family planning, but family planning also provides care and testing for AIDS and TB and adult German measles that are loose here in the United States now. These diseases will pass rampantly from one to the other as bad as the bed bugs that are taking over America.
Winn has done a lot of wonderful repairs in the hospital. But I don’t understand why they don’t put their little store somewhere where it’s more accessible to employees and visitors so you can go in there and get what you want to buy.
Sound off for April 6
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