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Way to go board of education. Children have absolutely no consequences for their actions. That is apparent when I read where students can now make up their work, make up their tests for getting in trouble. Why not just say, ‘go ahead and fight because you can make up everything.’
Dear Coastal Courier, what is wrong with giving old customers a discount? You offer them to new customers. Hope you can do better.
It’s great to read in the Coastal Courier that they are finally holding these real estate people’s feet to the fire. There are so many that are scamming the hard working soldiers and their families. Good work, Fort Stewart. There’s still a lot to do.
To all parents and grandparents, don’t open any savings accounts for kids unless you’ll add to it that year. The banks and credit unions now have the rule that they can steal or charge a fine if there’s no money added to that account.
Many people, especially on the right, forget that Vladimir Putin was an officer in the KGB, the Russian secret service. No wonder he wants Trump. He can manipulate him all over the board.
Donald Trump is not qualified to be our commander-in-chief or to run for president. He’s downgraded John McCain several times and he got several deferments from Vietnam.
Hilary Clinton is not qualified to be our commander-in-chief. In Bengazi, they called her as secretary of state. They never got help and people died because of her.
People in Liberty County have no morals whatever. They are very cruel when it comes to taking care of outside pets. You see them tied up on short ropes, chains, sitting along side the road. Law enforcement, do you job.
As long as there are people in Liberty County voting for family members in office with the school superintendent and this, that and the other this is just going to keep going on. We need new people in office to make everyone happy, not just one special group.
Now that the Zika virus is spreading across the Southeast shouldn’t we be seeing that spray truck in the neighborhood?
The kids at Bradwell cannot access the internet. There’s a lot of stuff they lock down on and someone checks who they talked to. So why are they putting internet on the buses when the kids on the iPads are all locked and can’t get on the Internet?
Hey, Georgia drivers that little lever on the left side of your steering column is your turn signal. Have you forgotten it?
Can anyone explain why the Kahn family is not angry at the Islamic terrorist, who killed their son, but are mad at Donald Trump for wanting to keep Islamic terrorists out of the U.S.
A soldier friend of mine says he would never put his kids in the Liberty County Schools because of the corrupt superintendent and board. He lives in Bryan and says they may not have iPads and “shiny” programs like Liberty, but the test scores are better, the leadership is better and they don’t have all the drama. That suspension issue is a factor, too. Kids are already rough in Liberty, and now there is no punishment. Maybe that’s why there are substitute math teachers in the high schools. Superintendent trying to make herself look good rather than supporting her staff.
The new principal at an elementary school came from a high school. Instant changes, that aren’t working. Listen to your veteran teachers and see if the system they have been working with for years will still work. Good job BOE. NOT!
Why do the teachers at Lyman Hall have 30 plus kids in their classes? How can a teacher really reach each one of those students? Parents, you need to voice your opinion about this if you have a son or daughter there. Something needs to be done about this. Is it not a fire hazard?
I think that was a rather harsh comment about parapros. Education can get you so far and who wants all that debt that comes with it. It’s a service job similar to nursing aids but they are certified and they do a lot and know the kids better than the teacher. They worked with my son for years, he has autism. I know they deserve higher pay. If fast food workers can say they need $15 which I think $10 is more like it. Parapros should get $13 to start and up to $18 depending upon experience.
Will a person who is a little below middle-class income range ever be able to buy a home in Liberty County that isn’t a fix upper? All these houses being built are so expensive. I’m a very responsible person and tired of renting an apartment.
We need to hold our elected officials accountable. The liberty county sheriff allows his deputies to talk to the citizen very nasty. We need a new sheriff and new deputies.
I have called the police four times about an address on Franklin Street reference a basketball hoop that extends into the street making it a hazard for passing traffic, mainly buses and trucks. The people that live there must not care in obeying the laws of this city so I feel some other city official should look into this problem.