Here are some of the issues area residents are discussing. The statements were phoned in anonymously, so the Courier does not vouch for their veracity, nor do we know what motivated the callers:
It’s pretty funny to watch ambulances driving back and forth looking at a map. Why don’t they have GPS units? They only cost $500. It’s pretty important that they get places fast.
The city of Walthourville is having bingo night. Where is the money coming from to support this? Hope it’s not other city funds.
When one person has an illness it doesn’t seem that important until you get that illness. Then you understand what that person was trying to tell you.
Just give that soldier who refused to deploy because of her baby an undesirable discharge and resolve this situation.
I went to the tax commissioner’s office today to pay my property taxes and there was not one clerk on the property tax side. I had to wait almost 10 minutes before someone showed up to accept my money.
Courier, the millage rate for the city was not increased. The rate is still the same, 9.5 get it right.
Don’t try to be someone you’re not on your MySpace or Facebook page. If you’re smart, be that way. If you’re a doofus, be that way. Be who you are in real life.
Thank you to the members of the East Liberty County American Legion Post for providing my family a Thanksgiving dinner.