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This is concerned citizens from the east part of Liberty County: I was just reading in the Coastal Courier on the delinquent tax notices. I counted 29 separate tracts located at Hampton Island that are delinquent on taxes; some of them are five years on back-taxes. Why should the taxpayers of Liberty County be worried about paying our taxes when all of this is going on? Come on, tax commissioner — get with the program. Sell the property if they can’t pay the taxes.
I was just reading the Sound off about how many white commissioners rode in the MLK Parade. I also would like to know how many white commissioners rode in the parade. I don’t think it was very many — seems like we do have a black/white issue in the commissioners’ office.
Reading the back-tax reports in the Courier, the taxpayers of Liberty County shouldn’t have to pay any taxes until these so-called developers and contractors pay their back-taxes up. Half of the developers and contractors, they just change their names and go on to a different name after they almost got busted. All of these developers should be forced to pay their back-taxes immediately.
To the parent who complained about the police harassing your child on Glenn Bryant: If I was you, I would take out a lawsuit against them. What they need to do is get those who are doing the crime, and not punishing those who aren’t doing anything. They need to get rid of those who are giving people tickets when they’re not really speeding. Hinesville Police Department, you need to get it together. Look at what one of your officers just did.
In the paper, it says that Hinesville is a Renaissance City. There’s nothing Renaissance about this city, except for our leadership, who doesn’t bring anything here except for their leadership. And taxpayers don’t get anything new except for what they want to bring in.