Here are some of the issues area residents are discussing. The statements were phoned in anonymously, so the Courier does not vouch for their veracity, nor do we know what motivated the callers:
I see they still haven’t opened their eyes on Fort Stewart. Traffic is still backed up to Hardee’s and Martin Luther King and all these other roads. Can’t they open these gates at 5 o’clock so we can get in there?
Will there be any AARP free tax service this year, or any other company that will have it free for senior citizens?
Look out citizens of Midway. The Midway City Council has raised your water rates and sewer rates and now they want to raise your light bill with the franchise for the city. Look on your light bill.
Fort Stewart, to be honest with you guys, you got to do something about traffic in the morning. You’ve got people creating road rage, driving on the wrong side of the road to try to cut in, driving through the woods to miss the line. There’s one way out, open the rest of the gates for inbound traffic.
I was starting to think it was going to rain from here on out.
When will Third Street at Lake George be paved? We have a very boggy mess out here.
I’m struggling through a job every day that I do not like, having a degree in a field that I do. Why is this situation so common in everyday America? People can’t find jobs in their fields.
Yesterday, I heard on the news that Obama gave Russia Britain’s nuclear secrets. Why did he do this? England was an ally of ours. This is going to cause more problems. I don’t think he knows what he is doing.
Citizens of Liberty and Long counties, please note the attorney general is going to be in Savannah to investigate the city council there. Now is the time for a letter campaign to get him to investigate our own overbearing, rule-bending politicians and assessors.
Sound off for Feb. 16
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