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Sound off for Feb. 21
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Here are some of the issues area residents are discussing. The statements were phoned in anonymously, so the Courier does not vouch for their veracity, nor do we know what motivated the callers:


Call and ask Al Gore what happened to that global warming we were supposed to have. All the airports in the Northeast are closed today.

 If the Georgia Lottery is the most successful in the United States, taking in the most money, and the reason we voted it in was to help children’s education, why are there so many furlough days to save school money?

 I was watching a documentary and it had about these unwed mothers, young girls getting pregnant. That is against the Bible. But the parents act like they are proud of their girls. What is wrong with society?

 City government, I would like to thank you for your foresight, implementing a storm drainage tax to improve drainage. Nothing has improved. It’s worse. Maybe we could change those signs to read Welcome to Lake Hinesville, or Swamp Hinesville.

 Local government better not ask the U.S. government for money. Because of what Fort Stewart did they may find themselves losing Fort Stewart.

Would the caller concerned about the Waldo Pafford flag please call maintenance? Maybe a concerned citizen will get results. As a school official I started five years ago to get lights in our parking lot because it is so dark.

 Racism is a sore subject. People just need to leave it alone and be glad everybody is different.

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