Here are some of the issues area residents are discussing. The statements were phoned in anonymously, so the Courier does not vouch for their veracity, nor do we know what motivated the callers:
Judges in the superior court system in Liberty County need to be more lenient in Liberty County. For example marijuana suspect sent back to jail in shackles, while an armed robbery suspect is sent home.
When are they going to be done with Memorial Drive? I’m sick and tired of having to go the long way around when I’m trying to get from Bradwell to the library. It’s taking forever.
The Republicans are doing it again, special interest and nothing is getting done. Can’t you see you’re being duped? It’s not hurting just one group, it’s hurting all of us.
First the military vets were promised free medical and dental care. Now the commissary prices are more than civilian stores.
If South Georgia can get hot as Hell, does that mean Hell froze over with the weather we had on Friday.
If you do not keep your word, there are consequences.
Twenty-eight degrees, how’s that global warming working for you?