Here are some of the issues area residents are discussing. The statements were phoned in anonymously, so the Courier does not know if they are true, nor what motivated the callers:
I don’t think that man outside Walmart is a freeloader. I stopped and gave him money. God knows what was in my heart. I don’t judge him.
My church, Live Oak, looks like Dr. King’s dream. Check it out.
Hinesville police are so trigger happy with tickets that now they are giving tickets to city workers for working.
City of Riceboro, shame on you for the representation of a political person in the MLK celebration yesterday. Please represent our community.
I have a cousin who plays for First Presbyterian Christian Academy Lady Highlanders. Their scores are never in the paper. I’d like to see their stats, too.
You know I’m really sick and tired. Obama has been in office one year and everyone wants to cut his throat. George Bush was in office eight years, leading the country down hill and nobody said anything.