Here are some of the issues area residents are discussing. The statements were phoned on anonymously so the Courier does not vouch for their veracity, nor do we know what motivated the callers:
Fort Stewart, I’ve got a solution to your gate problem in the morning. How about you guys going to reverse cycle training? We own the night.
I’d like to know why when I pull my son out of school a little bit early for family business, why the board of education considers that an unexcused absence.
I commend Dr. Alvin Jackson and the MLK committee for the MLK observance. But for the member of First African Baptist Church, we all know your float won first and Bethel’s was second. Please don’t take away from your award over a picture. Be thankful.
All around the world countries are rioting because the poor and middle class have nothing. Only the rich have property and tax cuts. We hope everything will work out and everyone will have equality the way God wants it to be.
It’s Friday, Jan. 28, and in the paper, the story “The teacher alleged to have solicited student,” at the bottom, it says continued on page 5. Well I hate to tell you it continues on page 8. You need someone to proof your paper.
Whether it’s on page 1 or 5A, the results of a group of uninformed panelists don’t amount to a hill of beans. Racial profiling still exists in Hinesville.
Remember the Golden Rule. It’s a shame how far some will go in a work place to make themselves look good and have others looked down upon.
Sound off for Feb. 6
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