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Well, our water bill went up, our electric bill went up, our taxes are increased. Please, Liberty, all of you, let’s make sure we vote someone in as mayor that doesn’t have poor spending habits and cares about Liberty County. I’d rather see an old Scrooge as our mayor.
Is Manna House food for any age, race, color or whatever? Because my daughter went to Manna House because she needed food, and she was told they couldn’t give her anything because she’s too young. So much for Manna House. I’ll never give a dime to that thing. I’ll never give a canned food from now on. When you need something, it doesn’t matter what age. She’s 57.
To arms, to arms, Liberty. President Obama is practicing gender and race discrimination in his cabinet choices. To arms, to arms, Liberty, rise up.
I think it’s unfair for the rec when it comes to the soccer all-stars. They make the girls play with boys, so of course the boys are all picked for the all-star team because they’re faster and made differently. It is unfair they don’t have a program for girls so girls can be picked for the all-star team and treated equally.
The emancipation program is open to anybody who wants to attend: black, white, brown, whatever color. This is not a program that was set up by Al Williams. He was just a speaker for the program.
Is Hinesville Homeless Prevention really doing anything to help the homeless? Are they connected with local businesses to help them get jobs, a place to stay? Are they doing anything more than putting them in a hotel for three days and then putting them back on the street? It is a shame that we’re not doing anything to help the homeless.
Word to the wise at Hinesville City Hall: When the grass is cut, the snakes will show.