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Sound off for Jan. 25
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These opinions are not the Courier’s. Callers are not required to identify themselves, so we can neither verify sources nor their motives. Call 876-3733 to leave a message.

There’s 10 burglaries a week in this town. When is there going to be a task force for this? I mean, I’ve lived all over the world. I had to move home to get burglarized.

The city builds an amphitheater, and the first concert next April, we get a two-for-one: country and Western. Yee-haw.

First of all, let me commend our superintendent for a job well done. However, she got it wrong when she said that this community does not work cohesively together. I think we work very well together; the city and the county work so well, unprecedented for two entities like that. However, the school board just hasn’t gotten onboard—maybe we need to get the school board on with the rest of us.

Our country is in complete disarray because of the colors that God made that are like the rainbow to make the world beautiful and to show that he has love for everybody. But if we keep going on like this, we’re asking for a catastrophe or Noah’s Ark or for him to say, “I’m finished.” So I’m just praying for everybody for love to come into the heart of everybody for everyone.

I saw a Liberty County deputy going down Deal Street with just lights on. Speed limit is just 25 mph. Is the death of a child in the residential area worth the speed?

For the caller that said Mrs. Obama is having lavish parties at the White House and eating the best meats on taxpayer money: For the record, presidential families are required to purchase their own foods, and I am sure the Bush family ate the finest meat. Remember, George Bush owned a cattle farm, and I am sure Laura Bush did not plant her own vegetables like Michelle Obama had to do.

Thank you to the county employee that abused the Internet for Facebook and Twitter, and now nobody can get on it thanks to her abusing it and bashing her husband. The county administrator stopped all employees from having access to it. Thank you.

Why is it that somebody that has worked under the table their whole life is eligible for more Social Security benefits than someone who has worked their whole life? This government is pathetic.

The city council is 80 percent minority and 100 percent weak to allow a city manager to lead them down the path of possibly violating state code.  

I read the paper the other day and it said that the Liberty County Board of Education superintendent is going to resign, and it said that her annual salary is $184,000 a year. I don’t know if I misread that, but isn’t that as much as the vice president makes? Or almost his annual salary for the government? Wow, that’s a little crazy.

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