To the two councilmen that voted against the pay raise in Hinesville: Are they going to stay in the spirit of the vote, or are they going to accept the raise?
Went to Mass this morning for the Solemnity of Mary. Was completely surprised that the Mass was bilingual. Thanks, St. Stephen’s, didn’t receive the memo.
It has come to my attention: The participants that are in our Christmas parade have to pay an entrance fee to be in the parade. This sounds to me like it is just ridiculous, because these people make floats and it costs them money to be in the parade? There wouldn’t be a parade if it wasn’t for the participants — and I also know that the Shriners are not in the parade because they would have to pay also, and I don’t understand how a nonprofit that helps crippled children should pay to be in a parade.
I see why my child comes home hungry every day from school. I went to the school to visit today for lunch, and I wouldn’t feed the lunch to a dog on the street, what I saw today. I was hoping last year that they would change; what’s the purpose of serving food that the children aren’t going to eat and are just going to throw away? How much money has been wasted from children throwing away food?