Here are some of the issues that area residents are discussing. The statements were phoned in anonymously, so the Courier does not vouch for their veracity, nor do we know what motivated the callers:
Thanks to those who brought CNN to Hinesville. We’ve probably lost any interested businesses and industry in coming to the area. Thanks a lot.
I went to an area business and I saw a girl run another girl across the aisle and then slam a buggy into her side. The one girl was younger and smaller than the aggressor, and she was so ugly to her. How can a business let an employee treat another employee like that?
It was not a very bright idea to close gate 2. Traffic is backed up on Screven and Stewart during the busiest times of day. They need to reopen gate 2 to ease it.
Have you ever noticed that as you get older things get bigger; your handbag, your medicine cabinet, your monitor, your TV screen, your car, your clothes, your handwriting too? Eventually we all need glasses, but goodness.
I think it’s sad that AAFES can build all sorts of buildings, but they still can’t afford to pay their employees that have worked for them for years full-time wages. That’s sad.
And now the truth: The VFW has done an awesome job. It’s because of all the folks who have put their backs into it and did the best they could to make it a good place to help our veterans.