Here are some of the issues that area residents are discussing. The statements were phoned in anonymously, so the Courier does not vouch for their veracity, nor do we know what motivated the callers:
Would the city please take back the public works department and have the job done right?
The loneliest people in the county are the Liberty public bus drivers.
The article on the fish fries and gatherings in the paper are only good times. Jealousy is a terrible taskmaster.
I was just reading the Sunday paper and the picture of the little boy in the police car seems to be distasteful. Maybe next time you could use a little more tact.
Please, Mayor Thomas, city councilmen and Billy Edwards, would you please take back the public works department and return it to the city where it rightfully belongs?
Regarding this week’s poll about the public paying $4 a gallon for gasoline so that the billionaires and the millionaires can quit whining and play their game, yeah right.
Thank goodness it wasn’t a senior who went through that building because all seniors would have been punished for one mistake by one senior. Isn’t it strange seniors are discriminated against? Look at the teenagers who have accidents all the time and nothing is said.
Sound off for March 13
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