Here are some of the issues area residents are discussing. The statements were phoned in anonymously, so the Courier does not vouch for their veracity, nor do we know what motivated the callers:
What is with all the changes at the commissary? I don’t understand them. Can someone please explain?
The city really does need to put a red light at the corner of Sandy Run Road and Highway 84 before there is a serious accident and someone gets killed. It’s a very dangerous intersection.
I’m calling about the big ol’ sign they put up there, “Welcome to Hinesville,” all that kind of stuff. The money would have been a lot better spent if they’d pick up the trash along the roads. That’s a ridiculous matter out here on 196.
I see in the paper where the county commission is going to take their annual vacation to Jekyll Island at taxpayers’ expense. The paper needs to start now publishing the expense report.