These opinions are not the Courier’s. Callers are not required to identify themselves, so we can neither verify sources nor their motives. Call 876-3733 to leave a message.
About the PetSense pet supply store that opened in November: There’s a locally owned pet store in the same shopping center. We should shop locally, folks.
Hinesville is looking forward to the Golden Corral coming to Hinesville, but I do hope we get another restaurant that will give us fresh vegetables like snap beans with red potatoes and fresh cabbage, fresh squash, fresh fruits. Not just things out of the can; that’s not what we’re looking for.
I want to second the emotion on the paper I’m reading today about the funnies on Sunday. It’d be one thing if they were funny — I’m all for something new — but I didn’t get half of them.
In reference to the caller on Wednesday about the $300 for Bradwell baseball uniforms: Liberty County High School has a parent club booster club for their baseball team. First Presbyterian has a parent club booster club for their baseball team. Bradwell can’t get a booster club for their team to get their parents to participate.
I also would love to see the clock on the courthouse running again. Also, I would love to see a bell installed at one of the buildings to ring every hour on the hour. It seems like a long time ago, we used to have a bell. I’m not sure — but anyway, I think the clock should be fixed or replaced or whatever.
Why has Liberty Transit stopped picking up at Bryan Village? There are still people who work on post who still need the bus to get off post. Two hours in between waiting on the bus does not cut it.
Liberty County just needs to take over the Liberty Transit bus system. Too many residents pay taxes just to get half the services.
The Liberty County Board of Education members should be limited to two terms. Some of them sit there, sit there, sit there and don’t get anything done. Please limit the Liberty County Board of Education members to two terms.
Coming into Midway, you might as well park your car on the side of the road and walk in. If not, anything rolling, if it’s a car or looks like a car, will pull it over if you ride around.
Ex-president Clinton gave amnesty to the soldiers that went to Canada to avoid going to Vietnam War. Or rather, he did, he went to Canada instead of going to war. Now, his wife says it’s OK for same-sex marriage. Like husband, like wife.