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Sound off for March 7
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Here are some of the issues area residents are discussing. The statements were phoned in anonymously, so the Courier does not vouch for their veracity, nor do we know what motivated the callers:


To the caller talking about black equality because of we had more numbers: Numerical numbers don’t necessarily mean we have equality. Equality and numbers are not the same.

Just because it’s cold lately does not mean there’s not global warming. How soon you forget last summer we had temperatures up above 100 with heat index up to 115. And this isn’t the first time it’s snowed in Georgia.
About the weather patterns and the Book of Revelations, people, we’ve got to understand that global warming is affecting the entire world, not just the United States. It’s warmer than it has been in years.

 If you have a vendetta, take it out on that person, don’t take it out on an innocent person, even if they are related. Grow up and be the adult you are supposed to be.

Our health care is totally out of control. It’s not the insurance, it’s the providing authority. A therapy I had June cost $7,500. The one I had in February costs $10,000.

I fully support the joke at the tire company, “no speaka da English.” This is not Mexico. This is Hinesville, Ga. We shouldn’t have to be politically correct with everything we do.

How can a fellow work in Congress and won’t pay taxes?

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