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I read the article, “Being apart just for one day” by Miss Barnidge and I just thought it was a fabulous article. I enjoy reading her articles about what’s going on with her and her daughter, and I just think it’s a great thing to be in the paper.
I have heard of Spanish rice, Savannah rice and other kinds of rice, but I’ve never heard of Cadillac rice until it was in the paper in the cookout. Can you please put a recipe for Cadillac rice in the paper?
That company that was bragging about how ethical they are, perhaps they should be checked locally to see how ethical they really are in Hinesville.
It would be nice if the county would put a transfer station out here in Walthourville or Allenhurst so we didn’t have to drive 10 miles for stuff that the trash men would pick up.
One thing about the private school, if you play sports and you’re not doing so well, they still let you play. The public is really strict about that, you have to have a certain grade. And some of your best people playing sports aren’t the best students.
I would like to know why Midway is allowing certain people to ride ATVs and dirt bikes on Martin Street.