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OK, if you read the Tricare article, Mr. Loomis must not be aware that, at the end of the day, money spent is not the government’s, it’s the American people’s money. America promised enlistees in the 1950s lifetime care at their facility for their service. There was no Tricare. There was no Medicare Plan B. We’re still alive and we expect promises made to be kept.
What are our Hinesville leaders thinking about Armstrong state college? We’ve already done that. We tried the Brewton-Parker thing. It was a complete, abject failure.
The clock on top of the old courthouse seems to be ignored with all the new building they’re doing around town. How about fixing the clock on top of the old courthouse? It’s been broke for a while, OK? I’d like to see the clock fixed.
I would like for someone to explain to me how the Arbor Day Foundation could designate Hinesville as Tree City USA when they cut down probably 50 200-to-300-year-old live oak trees for the veterans office. What a travesty. They cut down a whole forest of 200-to-300-year-old trees. What a joke for the Arbor Day Foundation.