Here are some of the issues area residents are discussing. The statements were phoned in anonymously, so the Courier does not vouch for their veracity, nor do we know what motivated the callers:
I want to congratulate all of the graduates of 2010, high school and college. You’ve done it. Now go out there in the world and improve it.
In response to caller about the Long County Rec. Department, the directors do a great job especially since they spend most of their time babysitting parents. What they need is a lot more support and a lot less criticism.
At 62 years old, am I old fashioned because I don’t think men should wear earrings?
Congratulations to the U14 Gators girl’s soccer team and their coaches for winning first place at district. Good luck at state. Go, Gators.
I’m so disheartened. I saw the Muslims parading and dancing in the street. Now they want to build a mosque on Ground Zero. How can that be? Our country, wake up.