Here are some of the issues that area residents are discussing. The statements were phoned in anonymously so the Courier does not vouch for their veracity, nor do we know what motivated the callers:
Why is it that the wealthy and the rich use the Republican party as their lawyers? They don’t even want to spend money to get lawyers to do their dirty work and see to it that they don’t pay taxes.
Way to go, Hinesville, for helping other countries. Now, what about the locals? Can you help us?
My story is straight. The big fire in Long County reignited from a controlled burn on March 5. Again, no permits were issued on the day of the big fire.
I have been warning people for over 11 years about the haves and the have-nots. God said he was going to ruin the economy and send one disaster after another. So it’s time for America to wake up.
I go to a very good doctor. I’m having surgery tomorrow and he said for two days prior, only drink clear liquids. I hope that means beer. No, I’m just joking, but I’ve got a good doctor.
I just read Margie Love’s editorial about her sister with spina bifida and just wanted to say what a touching, special story that was. Thank you for sharing.
I think it’s really disgusting when people come out of prison and they’ve paid their debt to society but they still can’t get a job when they get out.
I’m not against anybody’s religious beliefs unless they come to my home or have it plastered in the newspaper I read. I’m sick and tired of people preaching God and the Bible in just about every Sound off I read. Maybe they should change the name from Coastal Courier to the Coastal Church Bulletin.
Pertaining to the Sound off about the “big-boy toys” and motorcycles, I’m the vice president of the Trendsetters and everything they said we don’t do, we do do it. We go to the nursing home in Midway and we also have a feed-the-hungry event.
It’s simply amazing how one of the school board member’s constituents raised a lot of ruckus about how much it was going to cost to redo Olvey Field. Need I remind people that this BoE member’s constituent had no complaints about spending over cost for their district’s Liberty High football stadium.
Sound off for May 4
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