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You’re complaining that the military all ought to stay on base. When I got here in ’78, right before the buildup of Fort Stewart, Hinesville was a tiny spot on the map. Thanks to the soldiers, this town has grown to where it is right now. And you’re complaining about the soldiers? What part of this does not compute?
It’s great having a new superintendent for Liberty County. I’ve noticed that you’ve been out and about visiting the various schools. I just hope you’ll do something with the principals who are getting paid really well and assigning most of their duties and their responsibilities to their assistant principals because they don’t have the time to complete their duties and responsibilities before the deadline.
Why don’t Mr. Wetmore and the person who agrees with him move to Fort Stewart and be neighbors? And the day that the military doesn’t buy anything from Hinesville, this little hootenanny town will go out of business.
Today, my daughter came home from Walker Elementary, telling me about a Halloween dance that they’re having next Friday. It’s a shame that the Long County Board of Education approved a Halloween dance from 8:05-9:50 in the morning, selling candy, chips, drinks and God knows what else to the kids first thing in the morning. What happened to no junk food?