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Sound Off for Sept. 15

These opinions are not the Courier’s. Callers are not required to identify themselves, so we can neither verify sources nor their motives. Call 876-3733 to leave a message.

The person who called about Frank Long gave me courage to speak up. I have about five years in the school system before I retire, but after working at Frank Long, I’m looking at early retirement. The board needs to get over there and look at the mess they’ve created.

I work in the Liberty County School System and the article about the behavior specialists makes them sound real good. But I want to say the behavior specialists will not work. They will never be able to replace the STAR instructors.

With so much violence going on, wars, beheading of innocent men, prejudice, neighbor violence, babies getting pregnant, deadbeat dads, diseases, divorces, schools unrest, fires, floods, hurricanes and I could go on and on. And some nut is worried about the color suit President Obama is wearing. Are you kidding me?

Thanks for the fine service I got at probate court in Hinesville. Thanks to Janet and Veronica. They are two sweet ladies and very friendly.

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