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Grab your friends, see 'The Social Network'
Showtime with Sasha
social network
Jesse Eisenberg plays Mark Zuckerberg in the movie. - photo by Sony Pictures photo
The film I saw last weekend made me totally say, “wahoo!”
“The Social Network” is a David Fincher film based on the book, “The Accidental Billionaires: The Founding of Facebook, a Tale of Sex, Money, Genius, and Betrayal.” Hey, that’s a mouthful, but it sums up the story rather nicely.
The worst thing about “The Social Network” is absolutely nothing. The best things about the film? Gee, let me list them. No, better yet, I’ll summarize.
You know that I loved “Inception.” It was a high-stakes, action-packed thriller about how one could conceivably steal from or plant an idea into someone’s subconscious. It’s also complete science fiction.
In the real world, when an actual genius gets a game-changing, society-changing idea, like say, Facebook, this is what happens and it is just as thrilling as sci-fi.
“The Social Network” has an Academy Award-worthy adapted screenplay that even young people will love because of its whip-smart, nimble dialogue. Getting kids into the theater just to show them a meaty drama is a feat in itself.
And older folks who don’t fully understand what Facebook is or why it’s a bit different from similar sites will not be lost. Fincher also contrasts Facebook with live action, college-age interaction during the film.
Roger Ebert called it “cocksure, impatient, cold, exciting and instinctively perceptive.” And Peter Travers said it was “laced” with “aching sadness” and that it “defines the dark irony of the past decade.”
Speaking of irony, in the film, the sharp-tongued Jesse Eisenberg and the adorable Andrew Garfield are joined by Justin Timberlake who plays Sean Parker, that dastardly inventor of Napster and archenemy to the music industry. The music industry! Yes!
When it comes to film, I find you are either a fan or you’re not. How do I feel about “The Social Network?” Wahoo! I’m a fan.
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