Roses, chocolates and drugstore greeting cards are all nice gestures of how you feel about your wife, but isnt the true meaning behind Valentines Day to make your sweetheart feel adored and engulfed with love?
If we peel back the layers of commercialism, the goal is to express love in an atypical way. For some couples, this is the one day of the year for grand, expressive gestures of love.
It's not likely that at the top of your ladys wish list is a material thing you can run out and purchase. If you asked her what she desires most for you to give hera piece of your heart you have yet to share or a new pursechances are she would ask for your heart.
A more meaningful gift than heart-shaped jewelry or candies would be a heartfelt promise backed by real action.
Here are two dozen promises for you to consider making to your wife.
If we peel back the layers of commercialism, the goal is to express love in an atypical way. For some couples, this is the one day of the year for grand, expressive gestures of love.
It's not likely that at the top of your ladys wish list is a material thing you can run out and purchase. If you asked her what she desires most for you to give hera piece of your heart you have yet to share or a new pursechances are she would ask for your heart.
A more meaningful gift than heart-shaped jewelry or candies would be a heartfelt promise backed by real action.
Here are two dozen promises for you to consider making to your wife.
- I will love you better this year than I did last year.
- I will consider your feelings when I make a decision.
- I will not give more to the world than I give to you.
- I will make you feel important to me.
- I will be intentional in my actions towards you.
- I will make efforts to grow together instead of apart.
- I will set aside a few minutes every day to reconnect with you.
- I will be vulnerable with you, even when its uncomfortable.
- I will tell you how I feel, even if its just in short sentences or single words.
- I will apologize first.
- I will consider your point of view instead of getting angry with you.
- I will remember why I love and married you, even when I dont "like" you.
- I will still date you after all these years.
- I will make you feel special and adored like I did when I was trying to win your heart.
- I will love you unconditionally: you are not disposable to me.
- I will treat you like I need you in my life.
- I will remember my wedding vows to you and hold myself to them.
- I will be twice as willing to forgive you as I am to fight with you.
- I will not take you for granted.
- I will not let days pass by without us being on the same page.
- I will have your back in every circumstance.
- I will support you.
- I will see you: I will not let you fade into the background of my life.
- I will make you a priority.