With advanced voting to begin Oct. 12, the Liberty County board of elections Monday reviewed and updated plans for the election.
Advanced voting will be offered at four locations:
* Grace Baptist Church, 1406 Airport Rd.
* Charles M. Shuman Center, 800 Tupelo Trail
* Liberty County Complex, 9397 E. Oglethorpe Highway
* Main election office, Historic Courthouse, 100 Main St., Suite 1600.
From 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. at these four sites voting will be conducted Oct. 12 through Oct. 30. A Saturday voting session at all four places will be Oct. 24, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
County Commissioner Marion Stevens appeared before the board to reiterate his concerns about some of his District 1 constituents having long drives to reach their voting precincts. In one case he said a voter had a 16-mile one-way drive to the precinct.
Board Chair Linda Martin said the board did not feel changing precincts now was feasible. She said changes could be expected when census count information became available.
Election supervisor Ronda Walthour said poll workers were receiving their required training and that she was arranging their COVOD-19 testing.
Martin reported talking with County Administrator Joey Brown about the board’s long search for a building. One possible location had just been sold to a private buyer, she said.