A workshop entitled “Creating Financial Projections” will be held from 6-9 p.m., Tuesday in the Small Business Assistance Center conference room at 111 E. Liberty St. in Savannah. The University of Georgia Small Business Development Center is sponsoring this class.
Whether one is seeking venture capital, debt financing or whether one is preparing a business plan, sooner or later preparing a set of financial projections becomes neccessary.
Lenders will look for a strong likelihood of repayment using your projections. Investors will calculate what they think is the value of your company based on your numbers. This workshop will help you understand how to create your own projections and where to go to find the answers to your projection questions.
For additional information or to register for this class, call The University of Georgia Small Business Assistance Center at (912) 651-3200 or go to the UGA SBDC web site at: wv.georgiasbdc.org then click on Classroom Training and Savannah and pay by credit card. The cost of this class is $40 per person.
Whether one is seeking venture capital, debt financing or whether one is preparing a business plan, sooner or later preparing a set of financial projections becomes neccessary.
Lenders will look for a strong likelihood of repayment using your projections. Investors will calculate what they think is the value of your company based on your numbers. This workshop will help you understand how to create your own projections and where to go to find the answers to your projection questions.
For additional information or to register for this class, call The University of Georgia Small Business Assistance Center at (912) 651-3200 or go to the UGA SBDC web site at: wv.georgiasbdc.org then click on Classroom Training and Savannah and pay by credit card. The cost of this class is $40 per person.