The Liberty County Board of Education called a board meeting for 9 a.m. Monday in the board room.
Superintendent Dr. Judy Scherer said the meeting will be a work session to hash out a budget plan.
“We finally got a preliminary projected budget from the state,” she said.
The board’s main objective is to look, in detail, at each of the proposed budget cuts from the March 17 board meeting.
“The listing that was presented was a compilation of various cuts proposed by administrators, principals and BoE members,” Assistant Superintendent Jason Rogers said. “At this point, they are just that — proposals.”
The largest cut proposed ($4 million) would affect the BoE’s reserve if passed.
“For many years, the BoE has transferred approximately $4 million annually of local funds into their capital projects/construction account,” Rogers said. “If state revenue is drastically cut, the BoE will rely more heavily on local funds to pick up services and items previously funded with state dollars, thus leaving fewer local dollars to supplement construction funding.”
A few other possible large cuts include:
• Reducing the technology allotment
• Delaying the purchase of new buses
• Replacing PrymeTyme (afterschool program)
• Reorganizing the curriculum department, which would include freezing the executive director position and reassigning the responsibilities.
• Reducing para. sub. positions to one per location
• Eliminating the transfer of local funds into capital projects
• Eliminating the system athletic trainer department
• Delaying text book purchases
• Eliminating middle school sports program
• Eliminating non-required field trips
• Reducing the number of buses for athletic competitions
• Eliminating driver’s education.