At the beginning of each nine-week grading period at Frank Long Elementary, students take a STAR Early Literacy Test to determine an Accelerated Reader points goal. During the nine weeks, students read and take tests on books within the assigned reading zone. Students must maintain an accuracy goal of 85 percent or higher during the grading period. Students who meet both the points and accuracy goals get a reward.
Students worked to meet their goals, and 365 of them were rewarded for the accomplishments with a “snow day.” Andy Amason of Snowsouth in Meridian, Ga., spent the day at FLE, providing frosty, white flakes so children could build snowmen, throw snowballs, make snow angels and enjoy time with friends.
Media specialist Dr. Melisa Sands said, “We fundraise all year to be able to bring exciting experiences as rewards for our remarkable readers. However, we were able to pull this off only with the help of our principal, Mrs. Judy Hellgren, and Mrs. Cissy Turner, fundraiser chairman. They and FLE’s staff worked together to make this a reward that students won’t forget for years to come. Mrs. Hellgren has already stated that she has something special planned for the last AR reward of the year, so Frank Long’s students are hard at work once again.”
Accelerated Readers offers a feature called Home Connect, which allows parents to access their children’s reading records and receive emails showing students’ quiz results. If a parent needs their child’s username and password, they should contact the child’s teacher.
FLE students get a 'snow day'

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