Midway Middle School educators aim to engage students and parents through curriculum-focused activities. On Thursday, Sept. 22, the school hosted a “CSI: Midway” curriculum night from 5:30-7:30 p.m.
As families entered the building they signed in and entered their names into a drawing for several door prizes, including gift cards and baskets.
They were ushered into the cafeteria for a briefing on the I Care program by parental involvement coordinator Teresa Bacon.
After the short meeting, the families headed for the gym, where they encountered 12 different curriculum-centered activities, all with forensics twists.
Assisted by MMS faculty, the students, siblings and parents worked on skills in different subject areas at various booths.
The Midway Police were on hand to provide fingerprinting services for those interested.
Complimentary hot dogs and drinks were provided to the sizeable crowd in attendance.
To see more photos, go to the MMS media center blog at http://mmsmediacenter.blogspot.com.
MMS learns with crime-fighting techniques

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