Special needs students showed what makes them shine at the recent Liberty County School System’s inaugural Night of the Stars Special Needs Pageant and Talent Show.
The show was hosted by Bradwell Institute’s Friends Helping Friends organization, which connects special-ed students with their general-ed peers.
Before the talent show, the pageant was held for both male and female students. They were escorted down a red carpet onto the stage by members of FHF.
The talent show featured 25 students who performed songs and dances, recited poetry, did cup rhythms, magic and answered questions from the audience.
Takie Brooks, also known as the Numbers Man, can recall anything that has to do with calendars, dates, months and days of the week. He took questions from the audience, such as what day their upcoming birthday will fall on and Brooks guessed every question correctly.
Vickie Curry, did a rendition of Nat King Cole’s “L-O-V-E” and middle schoolers Amina McKinnon, Destiny Hilliard and Lacy Simmington danced to Lorde’s “Royals.”
Normandy Snowden, the last performer of the evening, sang Justin Bieber’s “Baby” and all the FHF members got on stage to dance.
The audience cheered after each performance.
At the end all the performers and pageant participants gathered on the stage for a presentation.
FHF received a $3,500 check from local contractor Professional Contract Service, Inc. PCSI provides employment opportunities for disabled veterans and other people with disabilities.
Then all the students started dancing together.
Attendees voted by putting money into envelopes designated for each student. The top three student money raisers will receive gift cards to Chili’s.
All the proceeds go toward FHF sponsored events.