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Georgia DNR accepting RFP’s for coastal incentive grants
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The Georgia Department of Natural Resources has announced the availability of Cycle 22, FY 2019-2020, Coastal Incentive Grant funds through the Coastal Resources Division(CRD)/Georgia Coastal Management Program.

Competitive grants are available for up to $80,000 per year for one- or two-year projects. A 1:1 non-federal match is required. Eligible applicants include qualified county and municipal governments, regional and state agencies (other than DNR), and state affiliated educational and research institutions in the 11 coastal counties.

Pre-applications are due by 4:30 p.m., Friday, Dec. 7.

Grant themes include oceans and wetlands, public access and land conservation, sustainable communities, and disaster resiliency and coastal hazards. Examples of past successful projects may be found on CRD’s Coastal and Ocean Management Program webpage at:

Informational meeting details, the request for proposals, and the grant application instructions are available on the web at Plan to attend one of the three informational meetings scheduled in Camden County on Oct. 9, Brunswick on Oct. 10, and Savannah on Oct.15.  

For more information, contact Lori Harlin at 912-262-3048 or via email at

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